13, Claridge Road
Dagenham RM8 1TT
0208 599 8626
Customer Support
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30
Opening Hours
Dagenham RM8 1TT
Customer Support
Opening Hours
Supported Living (Adults)
At Liberty Centre Limited, our Supported Living Services is designed to provide 24-hour care to clients who require support in living independently in their own homes. Some of the support we offer includes, budgeting, attending medical appointments, job interviews, independent living skills and travel training.
Our aim is to give our clients the opportunity to enjoy a normal life as anyone else.
We want the clients we work with to live their lives their own way and to realise their potential, whatever their impairment or disability. You don’t have to live your life any differently because you need a little extra help. What we want is to make your life easier, supporting you to do the basic tasks of daily life, so you can focus on the big things.
We are committed to empowering individuals with Learning Disabilities by enabling them to develop daily living skills and relationships, as well as by increasing their confidence. Our TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication-Handicapped Children) models make it possible for people to transition through the different levels of service we offer towards increased independence.
Through individually tailored packages of care and support, Service Users can build the skills required to move from residential care to supported living and, eventually, to their own flat, where they can be supported by our outreach services.
We will talk to you, your family or other people important to you, to decide on the best way we can help and create a support plan that fits you and your life exactly. Our home care workers can help you with everyday tasks, like getting up, washing, and personal hygiene and bedtime routines. We can also help with things like shopping, making a meal, laundry and cleaning.
We believe that being involved in your local community contributes to your general health and well-being, so we can support you to do this in ways including accompanying you to attend religious services or social events, taking part in activities you’re interested in, meeting family and friends, or staying in touch via letter or email, or collecting prescriptions.
We can also help you to manage your medication routine, look after your money and help you get used to being at home again after you have been in hospital. Our services are designed to be as individual as you are, from short-term support following an illness or stay in hospital, to long-term support for as long as you need.
What is available?
This service aims to help people with learning disabilities to live as independently as possible and involve them in making decisions and choices. The service is organised through our Integrated Learning Disabilities Team and helps people with learning disabilities with the following:
We believe passionately in the significance of our work and feel it has a positive impact on the lives of our clients, their families and the communities that we serve. Our main objective is to deliver excellent care that has a positive impact on the lives of our clients and their families.
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